14.2 Standard REST notifications

By default, MyID provides the following standard REST notifications with corresponding mapping files:


Mapping file


REST Device Issued


Sends a notification to a REST web service when a device is issued and has a status of Active.

See section 14.2.1, REST Device Issued notification.

REST Device Cancelled


Sends a notification to a REST web service when a device is canceled and therefore removed from association with any people.

See section 14.2.2, REST Device Cancelled notification.



Sends a notification to a REST web service when a device is enabled in MyID.

See section 14.2.3, EnableCard notification.



Sends a notification to a REST web service when a device is disabled in MyID.

See section 14.2.4, DisableCard notification.

You can create an external system for each of these REST notifications. Use the name of the notification as the name of the external system, and select the corresponding mapping file. See section 14.1, Configuring an external system for REST notifications.